This weekend we had Spencer over and I think he was super bored. There isn't much to do around here. He enjoyed watching a lot of cartoons though because we have cable and so he enjoyed that. Friday evening we did get outside and play a little. We shot some hoops and Anna came out and took some pictures of us. She got some great shots, so if you want to see more then go check out her web album.
Saturday we decided that we were going to go on a date (we actually decided a few days earlier). We had some zoo tickets left over from last year that we had never used so we decided to go over to the zoo. Anna took her camera with her and she got some more great shots. I really like this one of me sitting on a rock. Ой, какой я симпатичный! We had a good time there and we spent a couple of hours just walking around and enjoying the animals.

Other than that, I have just been working and going to school. Only a couple of weeks left and then we'll be done until fall semester.