New blog

| Saturday, July 23, 2011
This blog is officially being retired. The content and comments have been moved to my new blog at

You can subscribe to an RSS feed there if you'd like. The feed url:

Look forward to seeing you all over there.

Reading, reading, reading

| Thursday, April 7, 2011
As basically everyone knows, I read tons. People are usually pretty shocked to find out how much I read when they ask me. I've thought a lot about what has driven me to read so much. Probably 4 years ago now I may have read a total of 5 books all year so something lead/drove me to want to read. There are probably 3 major events that have driven me to where I am at now. One thing to note, I did read a bit when I was younger. Not a lot, but I grew up encouraged to read.

Reason #1 - Graduation
While I was studying at the University of Utah, I just didn't have a lot of time. I was studying full time and working in my spare time. Almost all reading that I did was purely for educational purposes. I did have one class where we read an incredible large amount (of Russian Literature from the USSR nonetheless) - at the time I felt overwhelmed but I think I would like that class a bit more now. Anyways, there just wasn't much time for outside reading. Once I graduated, I found I had a lot more spare/free time. Reading is definitely what fills it now.

Reason #2 - Kindle
My kindle was really what drove me to read the amount that I do now. I had already started visiting the library on a regular basis when I received my Kindle, but after that I began to read a ton. Probably the main reason is because I'm the type of person that likes to use the things that I have and find it hard to let things sit around unused. While I didn't purchase my Kindle, I wanted to put it to good use. Last year I read 130 books on my Kindle alone and I've read several already this year.

Reason #3 - Priority shift

This is the single biggest reason for reading so much. I used to be a huge sports fan. I would watch every sporting event (especially local teams) and get really into them. I was extremely competitive and got extremely emotionally involved. I noticed that this was effecting me and those around me in negative ways (my wife definitely helped bring this to my attention). It would be hard for me to get to sleep at night after a sporting event because I couldn't get over the win or loss. Also, I would have an extremely negative attitude after the team I was hoping would win, lost. I needed something that I could do to relax and not worry about sports as much. Reading was the big thing that took over for me.

Reading has really changed how I relate sports in general. I still cheer for teams, but I don't feel upset or mad when the team I'm cheering for loses. In fact, I can easily turn off the television if it's coming down to the last seconds of a game. I don't watch a lot of the big games because it doesn't matter as much to me anymore. A lot of times I don't just watch a sporting event on TV. I'll read during a game and only check the score every now and them. Reading has been something that has really calmed me as a person and helped me to relax from things that just really aren't that important...I still enjoy watching sports at times and enjoy going to games, but a lot of times I'd rather read.

For me, reading has been a good way to relax and also I've learned a lot of very interesting and fascinating facts as I've gotten into books about history. I definitely find reading far more interesting than tv series and it's a great way to increase my knowledge.

April Fool's Day - Favorites

| Friday, April 1, 2011
I love April Fool's Day. I especially love how some of the bigger companies really get into it. I had a great April Fool's joke a couple years ago that got a few people (even had my Mom in tears - sorry about that). All in all though, it's a good time to get a good laugh. Here are my 4 favorites this year:

4. Ad block glasses - Get real people. Just avoid looking at all those signs!

3. Motion Mail - Watch the video to get a really good laugh.

2. Comic Sans coming to Google - If this ever happened I might actually stop using Google!

1. HDMI cable deal - The best part about this is that it's not even a joke. The price and product are for real. The sarcastic comments in the thread are what make this great. I was in tears a couple of times because I was laughing so hard.

Feel free to share any good jokes/links that you enjoyed.

Happy April Fool's Day everyone!

Recipe #3: Chocolate cake cookies

| Saturday, March 26, 2011
The thing that I love about this recipe is how simple it is. I got this recipe off of a cake mix and was making it all the time. I haven't made it in a couple of months as we are trying to eat a bit healthier.

Prep Time: 5 minutes (50 minutes with baking time)
Makes: 3-4 dozen

  • 1 chocolate cake mix

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted

  • 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 cup chocolate chips

  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional - I've never added them before)

- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Mix all ingredients together (except chocolate chips and nuts).
- Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
- Drop about a tablespoon of dough onto baking sheets (greased if you want).

- Bake for about 12 minutes.
- Let cool and remove from pan.

- Enjoy!!

I was thinking as I put this together that you could probably try any cake mix you want and it would still be pretty good...not sure though. Give it a try if you're daring :)

Ratings and why they don't work

| Monday, March 7, 2011

If you haven't heard, this year's Academy Award winner for Best Picture has been reedited and will shortly be re-released to have a PG-13 rating! Awesome! Oh wait...I already saw this film. And to be honest, this film was one of the cleanest movies I've seen in some time (also one of my favorite films and quite inspirational and uplifting). There has been a lot of talk about whether Weinstein should have re-edited the film or not. This post isn't to argue either way.

Instead, this post is my about why the rating system in the US is broken (thanks to the MPAA). I'll be honest - I think the rating system is pretty horrible. I realize there needs to be some type of rating system, but this system just doesn't work. Before I go on I need to state that as a member of the LDS church we are counseled not to watch R-rated movies (I couldn't find a link to this on the site however). I've still seen my share of them in my lifetime but I'll usually get a guilty feeling afterwards (I didn't after watching The King's Speech though). That's probably one of the main reasons why the rating system bothers me so much.

Honestly though, there are some PG-13 movies that are far worse than R-rated films. Let's look at the King's Speech. The film received it's R-rating due to two scenes in which Colin Firth spills out the F-word about 6 times in a row the first time and then 6 times in a row the second time. There are some other swear words throughout (mainly in the same scenes as these F-words). That's it. Don't believe me - read the guide over at IMDB (this is where I typically look for what's in a film). I know the rule - 2 f-words max to earn the PG-13 rating. To be frank though, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. While I'm not a parent yet, here are two PG-13 films that I wouldn't want my kids watching, without me, over The King's Speech.


I went to this film when I was probably about 13 years old. I didn't know much about the film, but since it was PG-13 I was "allowed" (both by my parent's rules and by MPAA standards). As a 13-year old growing up in the LDS church, I had been highly exposed to swearing throughout school. But I don't know if I'll ever forget the scene where Jack is sketching Kate posing nude. I was more than shocked at this scene in a PG-13 film. Also I'm not clear why this use of nudity in an "artful" sense warrants a PG-13 rating but swearing in an "artful" sense does not (the swearing in the King's Speech is definitely artful and not overused by any means).

The Dark Knight

I really liked this movie but my wife stopped watching after she saw the scene where the Joker impales a character with a pencil in the eye. While I'm glad this film got a PG-13 rating (I didn't have to feel guilty about watching it) I'll admit that it is very dark and intense. There were definitely people that felt it should have been rated R. How often do you or your kids see violence like that depicted in this film at school or work? I'm betting for most of us it's very rarely.

My recommendations

As a parent or just a moviegoer in general, don't rely on the ratings system if you're concerned about content. The MPAA is far from perfect. Look at what is contained in the film. I typically look at IMDB, but while preparing this post, found this site which I may start to use: Kids in mind. Unsurprisingly, Titanic and the Dark Knight are both rated worse overall than The King's Speech.

As for the rating system, I think that we need to move to something similar to that of what Kids in mind is doing. Splitting a rating out and putting it on a 1-10 scale for three different categories - Violence, Language, and Sex & Nudity. From there, taking some kind of combination of those three values to determine an age limit on the film. Until then of course, we'll be left scratching our heads as to why we don't see some of the best films made because they are rated R while we sit through some very degrading cinema because someone thought it didn't meet the R-rating standard. However, go enjoy a great film in The King's Speech if you've been holding out because of the rating (the reedited version of course).

On another note, let's get rid of heavy swearing all together in movies. Whenever they translate movies into Russian they always translate the heavy swear words into very mild words in Russian. What's the obsession with swearing in American cinema?

Recipe #2: Fake/Simple Chicken Cordon Bleu

| Sunday, February 27, 2011
As promised, this is another recipe to use that uses more of that Ham that I used for the breakfast sandwiches.

Prep Time: 15 minutes (50 minutes with baking time)
Serves: 4 (of course you can do more or less really easily)

Here's what you need:
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • Ham (enough to cover the 4 breasts)

  • Swiss cheese
Preparation instructions:
- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Pound each chicken breast to get it flattened out.
- Slice up your ham and cheese.

- Place the cheese slices on the chicken breast and then the ham on top of the cheese.
- Roll the chicken breast up and push a toothpick through the middle (I use matches).

- Put in oven for about 30 minutes (I don't know the exact time, just make sure the chicken is cooked when you pull it out).
- Enjoy!

We ate these with some sliced up potatoes that we cooked in frying pan with some cheese melted on top. Also added some sliced up tomatoes with a bit of sour cream.

Must know shortcuts

| Sunday, February 20, 2011
If you don't know this trick, you should learn it:

- Hold down the CTRL key and click this link.
- Hold down the SHIFT key and click this link.

Now, if you write websites, stop forcing new windows or tabs to come up. I can do that myself if I want, thanks! I hate when I come to a site that pops a link up in a new window or tab! People would know these shortcuts if sites didn't do that.

If you want to learn other great shortcuts or if you don't use CTRL+C and CTRL+V, check this site out (some of these are Windows specific - search Google if you're not using Windows):

Hold CTRL and SHIFT and click this link

Riding the bus

| Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The past month and a half or so I have been riding the bus to work every day. I used to ride TRAX all the time when I was still going to school, but hadn't taken public transportation much since then. So what do I think so far? I love it. I love having time to read in the morning on my way to work and then have time to unwind on the way home. By the time I get home I have practically forgotten about everything and can relax and do the things I need at home.

The big drawback is the number of routes/times that the bus runs close to my house. I'll admit that the public transportation in Utah is nothing compared to Russia. There is only one route that comes by my house (fortunately it's like 100 yards from the house), and it only runs twice a day (twice to downtown, twice back to my house). The good thing about that is it keeps me on a very tight schedule.

In terms of cost, it is $75 a month (at least in February) and that is for a pass on any bus. Honestly, I would spend about that same amount on gas, so not having to buy another car, it saves a lot of money (not to mention that my work reimburses me since they don't have to pay for a parking space for me). I plan to keep riding the bus even when I do have a car available for driving.

So what's the point of this post? Ride public transportation if you can. It's not only a great way to help the environment, but it's a good way to get to know people who live close by to you and also to have some extra time to read or unwind as the work day comes to an end. Highly recommended if you it's an option for you.

Top 5 movies from 2010

| Thursday, February 3, 2011

U.S. release date: 11 December 2009
Rating: PG-13
Running time: 134 min
Starring: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon

Synopsis: Nelson Mandela, in his first term as the South African President, initiates a unique venture to unite the apartheid-torn land: enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

What I thought: Great performances, great soundtrack, and very inspirational. Not sure what else to say. It's pretty amazing what Mandella was able to accomplish through the use of the rugby team in his own country.

U.S. release date: 18 June 2010
Rating: G
Running time: 103 min
Starring (voices): Tom Hanks, Tim Allen

Synopsis: The toys are mistakenly delivered to a day-care center instead of the attic right before Andy leaves for college, and it's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they weren't abandoned and to return home.

What I thought: This movie is funny and touching all at the same time. Maybe not the kids favorite animated film from 2010, but for anyone who grew up having seen the first two films in this series can't help but be touched by the poignant story of Andy and his toys.

U.S. release date: 16 October 2009
Rating: PG-13
Running time: 100 min
Starring: Carey Mulligan, Peter Sarsgaard

Synopsis: A coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, and how her life changes with the arrival of a playboy nearly twice her age.

What I thought: I saw this movie early last year when it was getting a lot of hype coming up for the Academy Awards. I wasn't sure what to expect, but Carrey Mulligan gives a superb performance in the lead role and the relationship between the two characters is very believable. A disturbing but touching film about youth and love.

U.S. release date: 16 July 2010
Rating: PG-13
Running time: 148 min
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page

Synopsis: In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job to date: Inception.

What I thought: I'm still not sure if I know what is real or not in this dream world, and we may never know. Big summer blockbuster that really threw people for a whirl, especially the crazy hotel/hallway fight scene. Reminded me of The Matrix in the sense that it questions the reality that we actually live in. Nolan is easly one of my favorite directors after this film, the Batman series, and Memento.

U.S. release date: 18 November 2005
Rating: PG-13
Running time: 136 min
Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon

Synopsis: A chronicle of country music legend Johnny Cash's life, from his early days on an Arkansas cotton farm to his rise to fame with Sun Records in Memphis, where he recorded alongside Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins.

What I thought: I had never heard many songs by Cash prior to watching this film (of course I knew the classic Ring of Fire) but afterwards I quickly added several of his songs to my music library. Besides the music, the acting was superb (they sang all of the songs themselves) and I was blown away by the performance that Witherspoon gives here (totally earned the Oscar that she won for the performance). I didn't realize Cash was such a bad boy, but this is a must see film about his life. If you're asking why I just saw this 5 years after it came out, it's because I was in Russia when it was released.

Two other films I enjoyed: The Blind Side, The Ghost Writer

Recipe #1: Breakfast sandwich

| Friday, January 28, 2011
As part of my blogging this year, I want to highlight some of the foods that we eat regularly at our house.

This is the first entry in my year long recipe series.

I love having a big breakfast. While we will eat cereal every now and then, it just doesn't seem to hit the spot. The breakfast sandwich is probably my favorite breakfast. This recipe is equivalent to what you would buy at McDonalds for breakfast, but quite a bit healthier and cheaper. And the great thing is that it's really easy to make.

Prep Time: 10 minutes (20 minutes if you boil the eggs)
Serves: As many/few as you want

Here's what you need:
  • 1 english muffin per sandwich

  • 1 egg per sandwich

  • Sandwich ham

  • Mayo (or Miracle Whip)

  • Veggies (tomato, cucumber, lettuce)

  • Cheese

Some notes about ingredients:
- I use bread a lot of time instead of English muffins.
- For the meat you can use pre-sliced meat (cheap or expensive) but I like the whole ham taste the best. Sometimes I'll use sausage instead of ham.
- Obviously all ingredients are optional or interchangeable since it's just a sandwich.

Preparation instructions:
- If you are going to boil the egg, instead of fry it, get that started.
- Slice all of your ingredients: ham if not already sliced, cheese and veggies.

- If you are frying the egg, fry it now.
- After the egg is done frying, place your ham in the pan and brown it. Flip it over, place cheese on top of ham and let the bottom fry and cheese melt.
- Toast the muffins/bread.
- Spread mayo on toast, then place all of the pieces on top. If you boiled your eggs, remove shell and slice.
- Enjoy!

Price breakdown:
$.99 for 6 muffins(on special - $.17/muffin)
$1.29 for a dozen eggs ($.11/egg)
$8.99 for 4 lb. ham (assuming 100 slices from the ham, $.9/slice - I used 2 slices per sanwich)
Mayo ($.01/sandwich)
Veggies ($.20 per sandwich)
$1.99 for 8 oz cheese, approx 50 slices of cheese (3 slices per sandwich, $.10/sandwich)
Total per sandwich: $.78

Cheap and good!

Next month I'll highlight another recipe to use the ham with.

Top 10 books from 2010

| Sunday, January 23, 2011
There are tons of books that could have made it on to this list. Definitely some of the books from my other top lists of 2010 were left off this list in order to provide a broader range of books highlighted on my blog.


Quick Synopsis: A serial killer is on the loose in Boston. The victims are killed in a particularly nasty way: cut with a scalpel on the stomach, the intestines and uterus removed, and then the throat slashed. The killer obviously has medical knowledge and has been dubbed "the Surgeon" by the media.

What I thought: I changed my choice for this pick about 10 times. Reading over 260 books makes it tough to narrow it down to 10. Regardless, this book was excellent and very disturbing (which is was going for). I really liked how the book got inside the head of the killer and allowed you to see and hear his thoughts.


Quick Synopsis: Meet Oskar Schell, an inventor, Francophile, tambourine player, Shakespearean actor, jeweler, and pacifist. He is nine years old. And he is on an urgent, secret search through the five boroughs of New York. His mission is to find the lock that fits a mysterious key belonging to his father, who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

What I thought: This book was unlike anything I'd ever read. There were pages that had scribbling on them and pages that had single words on them. The way the book was printed definitely added to the very touching story of Oskar as he reflects on his father in a touching story.


Quick Synopsis: Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant in the blink of an eye - that actually aren't as simple as they seem. Why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others are consistently inept? Why do some people follow their instincts and win, while others end up stumbling into error? How do our brains really work in the office, in the classroom, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom? And why are the best decisions often those that are impossible to explain to others?

What I thought: A very interesting look at how we think and process data subconsciously. Don't think about it too long though or you might go crazy. Seriously though, very interesting to see how we process data.


Quick Synopsis: Young Katniss Everdeen has survived the dreaded Hunger Games not once, but twice, but even now she can find no relief. In fact, the dangers seem to be escalating: President Snow has declared an all-out war on Katniss, her family, her friends, and all the oppressed people of District 12. The thrill-packed final installment of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy will keep young hearts pounding.

What I thought: Following up my top 2 books from 2009, this was the conclusion to the Hunger Games series. While I didn't like this book as well as the first 2, it was still an excellent book and excellent conclusion to the series. Katniss remains herself through to the end and Collins once again shows her willingness to deal with serious issues.


Quick Synopsis: From Truman's small-town, turn-of-the-century boyhood and his transforming experience in the face of war in 1918, to his political beginnings in the powerful Pendergast machine and his rise to prominence in the U.S. Senate, McCullough shows, in colorful detail, a man of uncommon vitality and strength of character. Here too is a telling account of Truman's momentous decision to use the atomic bomb and the weighty responsibilities that he was forced to confront on the dawning of a new age.

What I thought: The longest book that I read in 2010 and it was absolutely fascinating to learn about the events that lead up to one of the most momentous decisions in human history to drop the atomic bomb. Excellent biography by a very talented author.


Quick Synopsis: The Gulag--a vast array of Soviet concentration camps that held millions of political and criminal prisoners--was a system of repression and punishment that terrorized the entire society, embodying the worst tendencies of Soviet communism. In this magisterial and acclaimed history, Anne Applebaum offers the first fully documented portrait of the Gulag, from its origins in the Russian Revolution, through its expansion under Stalin, to its collapse in the era of glasnost.

What I thought: Excellent history of the Gulag system in Russia. Having lived and served in Russia definitely added to why I enjoyed this book so much as I had personal ties to what happened during this time frame, but a book that everyone should give a go at just to be well rounded.


Quick Synopsis: Miss Eugenia Phelan ("Skeeter" to her friends) is a young woman of privilege who enjoys her fellow Junior Leaguers but sometimes finds their ways at odds with her own principles. She plays the part of her station in 1960s Mississippi but can't help feeling dissatisfied with keeping house and acting as recording secretary at league meetings, and yearns for something more.

What I thought: This is one of the mainstream best books of 2010 as it was on the bestseller list for a long time (may still be there). It's for good reason too. I fell in love with the characters here and really felt for the black women in the 1960s.


Quick Synopsis: What if you had only one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?

Samantha Kingston has it all—looks, popularity, the perfect boyfriend. Friday, February 12th should be just another day in her charmed life. Instead, it’s her last.

What I thought: This book floored me. I wasn't expecting it at all and it really made me step back and look at my relationships and how I interact with people and what I do behind there back. Think Groundhog Day, but well done.


Quick Synopsis: The book tells the stories of two men born worlds apart. They have nothing in common except the same date of birth (April 18, 1906) and a zeal to succeed in life. William Lowell Kane is a wealthy and powerful Boston Brahmin while Abel Rosnovski (originally named Wladek Koskiewicz) is a Polewas born in a situation of great poverty and eventually emigrated to the United States.

What I thought: This book barely made it in right at the end of the year and was easily my favorite fiction novel that I read. The book was quite long, but very touching and Jeffrey Archer brings the two primary characters to life and develops them into characters that feel for by the end. Great literature from over 30 years ago.


Quick Synopsis: This is history on a grand scale -- a book about politics and war and social issues, but also about human nature, love, religious faith, virtue, ambition, friendship, and betrayal, and the far-reaching consequences of noble ideas. Above all, John Adams is an enthralling, often surprising story of one of the most important and fascinating Americans who ever lived.

What I thought: One of the very first books I read during 2010, and the best. This book opened my eyes to the non-fiction history genre. I didn't realize how much I loved reading history books until I finished this one. McCullough delivers an exhilarating read about John Adams. I don't think Adams was the best president or person ever, but this book makes him come to life in front of your eyes.

Top 5 Series from 2010

| Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I read a lot of series this year, and I read a lot of really good series. See my favorite audiobooks from 2010 to find some other great series.


Number of books: 5

Quick Synopsis: Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school...again. And that's the least of his troubles. Lately, mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. And worse, he's angered a few of them. Zeus's master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect.

What I thought: Don't judge the series off the movie (you can say that about almost any movie made from book). The series overall is a pretty light read but a lot of fun. Percy gets lucky throughout but I really enjoyed learning a bit more about Greek Mythology and having a good laugh.


Number of books: 3

Quick Synopsis: Miranda’s disbelief turns to fear in a split second when a meteor knocks the moon closer to the earth. How should her family prepare for the future when worldwide tsunamis wipe out the coasts, earthquakes rock the continents, and volcanic ash blocks out the sun? As summer turns to Arctic winter, Miranda, her two brothers, and their mother retreat to the unexpected safe haven of their sunroom, where they subsist on stockpiled food and limited water in the warmth of a wood-burning stove.

What I thought: My favorite book in this series was definitely the first one, but I really loved how this book made me reflect on what is important in life the most and what I need to do to be prepared for any type of natural disaster. I also really liked how Miranda was so real - being very pessimistic at times and working out what she wants to happen with her life.


Number of books: 6

Quick Synopsis: In order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race's next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers. A brilliant young boy, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin lives with his kind but distant parents, his sadistic brother Peter, and the person he loves more than anyone else, his sister Valentine. Peter and Valentine were candidates for the soldier-training program but didn't make the cut—young Ender is the Wiggin drafted to the orbiting Battle School for rigorous military training.

What I thought: So I actually read Ender's Game last year, but I read (listened) to the rest of the series this year. I am typically not a sci-fi fan, but this series was very well done (perhaps it is the audiobook format that helped as well). Overall though, the books are very interesting and I highly recommend them along with the Shadow series (especially interesting after reading Ender's Game).


Number of books: 3

Quick Synopsis: Mikael Blomkvist, a once-respected financial journalist, watches his professional life rapidly crumble around him. Prospects appear bleak until an unexpected (and unsettling) offer to resurrect his name is extended by an old-school titan of Swedish industry. The catch - and there's always a catch - is that Blomkvist must first spend a year researching a mysterious disappearance that has remained unsolved for nearly four decades. With few other options, he accepts and enlists the help of investigator Lisbeth Salander, a misunderstood genius with a cache of authority issues.

What I thought: This probably would have been number 1 on my list, but I read the first book in the series back in 2009, so I dropped it to 2nd place. Regardless, this whole series was very good, but quite intense and graphic. These books were probably the most popular in the US this year, and for good reason. Highly recommend this series but realize the content is very serious.


Number of books: 4

Quick Synopsis: Meet Isabel "Izzy" Spellman, private investigator. This twenty-eight-year-old may have a checkered past littered with romantic mistakes, excessive drinking, and creative vandalism; she may be addicted to Get Smart reruns and prefer entering homes through windows rather than doors -- but the upshot is she's good at her job as a licensed private investigator with her family's firm, Spellman Investigations. Invading people's privacy comes naturally to Izzy. In fact, it comes naturally to all the Spellmans. If only they could leave their work at the office. To be a Spellman is to snoop on a Spellman; tail a Spellman; dig up dirt on, blackmail, and wiretap a Spellman.

What I thought: Loved these books overall. Izzy and her family are absolutely crazy and Izzy is a real smart alec who likes to give everyone a hard time. I seriously don't know how to explain these books. Give them a read and you'll find out.

Top 5 Audiobooks from 2010

| Saturday, January 15, 2011
As promised, here's the first of my top lists from 2010. Note that there are books that I liked more than some on this list, but they will be featured in some of my other lists to come, so I wanted to give as wide a variety of books as possible. Enjoy!


Quick Synopsis: 3rd book in the Peter and the Starcatchers series. The series is about Peter Pan before the typical story of Peter Pan. It chronicles how he came to be on the island and how he and Captain Hook came to be enemies. This book is the climax of the series as Peter and Molly come to the land of Rundoon and must battle their enemies, including the evil shadow king, Ombra.

What I thought:I found this book after listening to the Harry Potter series read by Jim Dale. If you've never listened to the Harry Potter books as read by Dale, I'd highly recommend them. This series is also a lot of fun and made much better with Dale voicing all of the characters.


Quick Synopsis: Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life - dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge - he follows.

What I thought: This book really got me turned on to John Green as an author. The book is for young adults but looks at some serious topics about life and love overall. With several laugh out loud moments, this book is a fun listen.


Quick Synopsis: From the same author that wrote The Hunger Games, comes Gregor, an eleven year old that follows his little sister through a grate in the laundry room of their New York apartment, he hurtles into the dark Underland beneath the city. There, humans live uneasily beside giant spiders, bats, cockroaches, and rats—but the fragile peace is about to fall apart.

What I thought: In spite of what the synopsis sounds like, this series is great. Give it a chance. This book is quite a bit different than The Hunger Games series, but a really fun listen. The books are for a younger audience but deal with some intense topics. I really like that Collins is willing to kill of some of the main characters and explore how the other characters deal with it. Ripred, the rat, is hilarious and the prophecies are well done. This would probably be #1 on my top 5 series from 2010 if it wasn't here.


Quick Synopsis: Second book in the Matt Cruse series. Forty years ago, the airship Hyperion vanished with untold riches in its hold. Now, accompanied by heiress Kate de Vries and a mysterious gypsy, Matt Cruse is determined to recover the ship and its treasures. But 20,000 feet above the Earth's surface, pursued by those who have hunted the Hyperion since its disappearance, and surrounded by deadly high-altitude life forms, Matt and his companions soon find themselves fighting not only for the Hyperion—but for their very lives.

What I thought: This series is a light fantasy series (meaning that it isn't our world, but there's not any magic or major fantastical creatures like dragons). Matt Cruse is a character that it is easy to cheer for and the book is by far the funniest in the series. Highly recommended series that probably would be #2 on my top 5 series from 2010 if it wasn't here.


Quick Synopsis: John Wayne Cleaver is dangerous, and he knows it. He’s spent his life doing his best not to live up to his potential. He’s obsessed with serial killers, but really doesn’t want to become one. So for his own sake, and the safety of those around him, he lives by rigid rules he’s written for himself, practicing normal life as if it were a private religion that could save him from damnation.

What I thought: The synopsis is for the first book in the series, I Am Not a Serial Killer. Having listened to the first book earlier in the year, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. I was constantly looking for it and couldn't find it for the longest time. Fortunately, it didn't let down and the book was just as clever and witty as the first. John is very sarcastic throughout and it really adds to the book overall. Fun read and series.

Some book stats - 2010

| Tuesday, January 4, 2011
After reading Tyler's book stats, I wanted to do some stats of my own. Here you go:

Total books read: 265
Total pages read: 102,352
Average book length: 386 pages
Average rating: 3.86 out of 5

Of the 265 books:
57 were audiobooks (22,273 pages)
130 were kindle/ebooks (51,949 pages)
74 were checked out (27,307 pages)
4 were borrowed (1,570 pages - thanks Danielle)

251 were books I'd never read before

4 received 1 star
42 received 2 stars
110 received 3 stars
91 received 4 stars
18 received 5 stars

From when I added a book to my 'to-read' list to when I finished reading it took me 79 days on average.

Link to my 2010 books.

I calculated my stats by exporting my booklist from Goodreads and doing some excel calculations.

Happy New Year!

| Saturday, January 1, 2011
I can't believe it's already 2011. 2010 was a great year and I grew a lot over the year and I accomplished a lot. In an effort to improve in different areas of my life, here are 3 of my goals for 2011.

  1. Blog at least twice a month
    During 2010, I only had 12 total posts. One of the reasons for that is because I was so focused on reading (see my reading goal below) but also because I wasn't focused on what I wanted to write about. As part of my blogging, I want to cover a recipe or food that we enjoy at least once a month. That will leave me with at least 12 more blog posts over the year that will cover random topics that I'll choose as they come along. I suspect that in January I will be blogging a little more often as I cover my top lists from 2010.

  2. Become more flexible
    This past year I accomplished something that I never thought possible: I ran a half marathon. On top of that I've really began to focus on getting and keeping myself in good shape. One of the areas that I am severely lacking is in my flexibility. More specifically, by the end of 2011, I want to be able to comfortably touch my toes while standing (right now I can get about 6-8 inches away fairly comfortably). In order to obtain this goal I will be including a regular stretch routine in the evening when I am doing some other small exercises.

  3. Read 100 books
    You may be surprised that my goal is so low this year compared to last year (final count was 264 books), but having read so much last year I realized that I was ignoring some other things that I also wanted to do. I was so set on reading at least 250 books that I would put off other tasks (there's still no lawn in the backyard). By setting a lower goal I'll be able to still enjoy reading while finishing up several other projects around the house and also round out my time with some other personal goals (not listed here).

Here's to a New Year and to making it even better than 2010. I'm off to complete one of those house projects.